Celebrant Training


A space where you can learn to become a celebrant, to create meaningful ceremonies to mark moments of transition, to step up and serve your community.

New Enrolment: Opens December 9th

Location: TBC

How to join: if you’d like to apply for training, please get in touch at training@entheos.ie


Training Content

We believe that rituals and ceremonies don’t have to be old fashioned. They don’t have to be a compromise or a cookie-cutter event. They can be unique. They can be meaningful. They can be inspiring. They can resonate and represent all those who have gathered. If you’re ready to serve the communities of this new world, you’ll find the support and guidance you need here.


Unlike most trainings, this module is not just about planning the happy occasion of a Baby Welcoming. We acknowledge the truth of the pregnancy and birth experience, and we let this truth be our guide as we plan for the specific ceremony ahead of us, with the specific people involved.

In this module we will explore the many ways we come into being:

  • Fertility/Infertility,
  • Assisted Reproduction & IVF
  • Planned & Unplanned Pregnancies,
  • the rollercoaster of pregnancy and birth for parent and child,
  • Birth as both a solitary and communal experience.
  • We will also explore the losses of early life:
  • Infertility,
  • Miscarriage,
  • Abortion,
  • Termination for Medical Reasons,
  • Stillbirth
  • Neonatal Death
  • Sudden Infant Death
  • Sudden and Anticipated Death in Childhood

This module will equip participants with the knowledge and skills to hold intimate and precious funeral ceremonies for those babies and children whose lives come to an end before or soon after birth, or during childhood.

We will also cover family and community ceremonies for early life –

  • Blessingway/ Baby Shower Ceremonies (before birth),
  • Baby Welcome Ceremonies (age 0-3),
  • Ceremonies of Family Connection (around age 7),
  • and Ceremonies of Community Recognition (around age 12).


Ceremonies of Marriage, Transitions and Threshold Moments

In this module we will cover the various ceremonies of adult life – the major focus being Marriage Ceremonies, but also:

  • Coming of Age (around age 16-18),
  • Handfastings,
  • Vow Renewals,
  • Name Change Ceremonies,
  • Menarche/ Menopause/ Croning,
  • pre/ post Surgery,

and any and all transitions and thresholds of life.

Every ceremony is unique, and every ceremony requires a sensitive and skilled planning phase, which will culminate in a beautifully meaningful and transformational ceremony for the couple and their guests.

On a practical level we will cover:

  • The structure of a wedding ceremony: what goes where, and why.
  • Including children
  • Blending Families
  • Celebrating diversity
  • Roles to incorporate others
  • Music choices
  • Poem/ Reading choices
  • Addressing the couple & congregation
  • Choosing and writing vows
  • Handfasting/ Joining of the Hands
  • Ring exchange options
  • Ceremony enhancements- choosing wisely!
  • Legal considerations
  • Pronouncement and first kiss
  • Cultural considerations & variations

We will also cover wedding ceremonies where all is not as the couple might have hoped:

  • Marriage in Anticipation of Death
  • Hospice and Hospital Weddings (non-legal)


Everyone deserves a final tribute which not only reflects their own unique personality and approach to life, but that also honours and celebrates the unique gifts they brought to the world, and the legacy they leave behind. In this Module, you will learn to create and carry out a beautifully unique funeral ceremony, which reflects the character, personality and beliefs of the deceased.

This learning will include:

  • Death, Dying, Grief and Bereavement
  • Anticipatory Grief
  • Planning a Funeral in Advance
  • Managing anger and heightened emotions
  • Working with Trauma & Unexpected Death – Suicide, Murder, Sudden Accidental Death, Death following recent diagnosis.
  • Writing Eulogies
  • Honoring the Truth
  • Celebrating Diversity
  • Dealing with Media Interest
  • Holding Virtual Funerals
  • Holding a Burial Ceremony
  • Holding a Cremation Ceremony
  • Visit to Funeral Home
  • Visit to Crematorium
  • Funeral Ceremony Enhancements
  • Holding a Ceremony at Short Notice (as is usual in Ireland)
  • Managing eulogies & speakers
  • Death and the Funeral as a Community Experience
  • Self-care: Recognising & Preventing Burnout & Compassion Fatigue


This learning will include:

  • Online Presence: Website, Social Media & Marketing
  • Finding and Engaging with Clients and Venues
  • Streamlining your Systems and Payments
  • Leveraging Media and PR Opportunities


This learning will include:

  • Intention
  • Structure
  • Participants
  • Holding and Healing through Groupwork/ Ceremony
  • Reading the Space, and Responding
  • Inspirational Speeches & Use of Ceremonial Language
  • Ceremonies without Scripts: Developing your Own Language & Structure
  • Guided Meditations & Visualisations


Words from training participants

I spent 8 months on the most wonderful and unforgettable journey with Entheos; intensive, thought provoking, insightful and fun. I met friends for life during the training course and am very excited and proud to be part of such a progressive and inclusive community who never fails to inspire me on a daily basis. We shared, listened and supported and it’s hard to put in to words what the training course has done for me; it definitely reignited my enthusiasm and lit a spark within. Thank you to the team and trainees for your nuggets of wisdom, advice, support, fun and friendship and Karen, Bryony and Adrieanne for your organisation, facilitation and general brilliance!!


Contact us for more information about the training