Entheos was founded to serve people who have been ostracised, marginalised or otherwise left behind by traditional faith paths on the basis of gender, race, sexual orientation, ability, nationality, parental / family status or any other reason.

At Entheos, we believe that rituals and ceremonies are for everyone.

Birth, death, union, coming of age, the many and varied transitions and thresholds of human life. These life events are traditionally celebrated and shared – it’s a core part of what makes a community.
These are moments when we come together, we connect and make memories, but the old ways don’t always fit, because we live in a world that is changing.
Old institutions are crumbling, and we need new options in their place. The presumption that the majority of people regularly practise a formal religion is outdated, but the call to share in some form of community celebration remains.
As we navigate this shift in the spiritual / secular landscape beyond institutional religion, we find that when it comes to the threshold moments of life – we still crave ceremony.

Ceremonies don’t have to be dull!
They don’t have to follow a script, or use outdated language and traditions.
They can be unique.
They can be meaningful.
They can be inspiring.
They can resonate with all those who have gathered - AND they can represent your beliefs and those of your partner in a simple, non-intrusive way.
So instead of feeling you have to squeeze your ceremony into a pre-designed script, why not imagine one that feels just right for you?!
Celebrate with Entheos

About Entheos
Entheos was founded to serve people who have been ostracised, marginalised or otherwise left behind by traditional faith paths on the basis of gender, race, sexual orientation, ability, nationality, parental / family status or any other reason.
Entheos is the Greek root of the word Enthusiasm, it means “inspired by the Go(o)d within”.
We recognise that Ireland is in a time of huge transition in terms of our relationship with Institutional Religion. It is tempting to polarise our spirituality into either completely Religious, or completely Atheist, but many people occupy the space in between – neither religious nor fully atheist, but with a belief in “something more”. We also have a huge and ever-growing Interfaith Community who bring a richness and diversity to the type of Ceremonies requested.

At Entheos, we seek to support people in their exploration of their relationship with “something more”, a spirituality or personal philosophy outside of traditional faith paths, and we welcome everyone who feels drawn towards our vision, beliefs and values.
We are committed to serving people who desire a ceremony that fits their personal beliefs, but who don’t describe themselves as categorically religious, humanist and/or atheist. Very often, Entheos is a good fit for such people as we support their belief in “something more”, without requiring their personal beliefs to fit a particular definition or polarity. All is welcome.
Entheos Celebrants are all committed to some form of active work as agents for positive change within their communities, and to actively challenging and changing the heteronormativity and stereotypes of the ceremonial world, for weddings in particular.
Our Values

At Entheos, our core beliefs are the foundation of our inclusive community:
1. The Spark Within
2. Equality for All
3. Feminist Philosophy
4. Participatory Spirituality
5. Inclusive and Non-Denominational
Entheos is not tied to any specific faith path, and we do not require members to accept or reject belief in any particular deity. Our beliefs are rooted in the philosophy of Entheism, embracing the uniqueness of each individual’s journey. All are welcome.
6. Embracing Change
7. Valuing Family in All Forms
8. Joyful Celebration
9. Dialogue and Understanding
10. Deepening Self-Awareness and Service
These core beliefs guide us in fostering a community in Entheos that embraces diversity, celebrates individuality, and nurtures the divine essence within each of us. Together, we create a supportive and transformative environment where all can explore their individual path with love and acceptance.

Community love

Re-imagining Ceremonies is a podcast by Entheos, hosted by Feargh Curtis and Karen Dempsey. Karen is the founder of Entheos and Feargh is an active celebrant with the organisation. Both are passionate about the world of ceremony and creating a space where everyone feels welcome to celebrate the big moments in their lives. They will be joined by other celebrants and members of Entheos to discuss ceremony, community, connection, inclusion and so much more.